This curved-radius acoustic guitar capo allows you to quickly and easily change key with a one-handed squeeze without hindering your fingers or scratching the neck of your guitar.
Warranty Information
This curved-radius acoustic guitar capo allows you to quickly and easily change key with a one-handed squeeze without hindering your fingers or scratching the neck of your guitar.
Warranty Information
Just dropped my acoustic but the capo on the headstock saved it from any serious damage. Unfortunately the capo did not survive. R.I.P. to my first capo. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. #dunlop #dunlopcapo #guitar #guitarfail #guitarfails #shithappens
The latest post is live, reviewing Dunlop's 83CB/CS capo - link in bio! 😊🎸🤘🎶
I've been taking it easy so far this week whilst my car is in the garage but I'm looking forward to getting back out on the road again soon. I want to get back to Cambridge and play in Milton Keynes as well 🙂🚀✨ .
#busker #busking #fingerstyleguitar #martinguitar #streetmusic #streetperformer #streetmusician #percussiveguitar #acoustic #guitarist #acousticguitar #acousticmusic #livemusic #music #gig #newmusic #ukmusic #musiclife #martinguitarist #capo #dunlopcapo #triggercapo #handpainted
☕️ 📝🎸 “The bitch is back”
. .
#singer #songwriter #singersongwriter #writer #epiphoneguitar #dunlopcapo #music #country #countrymusic #folk #folkmusic #indie #indiemusic
‘One take or no take’ als het over de opnames van gisteren gaat, maar voor de sfeer vind ik echt geen woorden ❤️
Dankjewel,! Enkel liefde voor iedereen die er was. Verlies zeker ellismanemusic en King Nothing niet uit het oog!
Ondertussen blijf ik reizen: vanavond ben ik te vinden in the.blackflamingo in Nijlen met freddiewebber. Ook altijd een genoegen!
Deuren om 20u. Wees welkom, kom op tijd! 🌻
P.S: Er volgt snel nieuws over die EP.
#diy #2800mechelen #liverecord #liverecording #recordingstudio #indie #indiefolk #americana #altcountry #debutalbum #yamahaguitars_official #acoustic #dunloppicks #dunlopcapos #tcelectronic
From last saturday’s duo performance with samirasblues at amsterdamblendmarket 🙏🏻
📸 collins_t_photography_
#samirasblues #saharamusic #desertblues
Vorbereitung ist alles 😁
#taylorguitars #dunlopcapos #lovemyjob #übungmachtdenmeister #menschenglücklichmachen #freiettauung #guitarist #weddingulm #acousticmusic
Perusahaan aksesoris terkenal #DUNLOP memproduksi beberapa #capo yang secara special dinamakan Dunlop Trigger Capo...
Bentuknya yang sangat ergonomis dan disesuaikan dengan anatomi jari manusia membuat capo ini sangat mudah untuk dipasang / dilepas tanpa harus mengkhawatirkan posisi tangan yang salah atau bahkan merusak neck gitar, dibuat secara khusus menggunakan aircraft-grade-alumunium yang sangat ringan, dilengkapi padding special untuk melindungi instrument neck supaya tidak lecet & juga per spring - action yang sangat kuat menjamin kestabilan capo ini.
Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi:
0816 760 016 (call + WA)
‼️Bei uns im Geschäft erhältlich ‼️
Der Pivot Capo sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Spannung und eine präzise Intonation auf und entlang des Halses und bietet helle Klarheit und ein schönes, lang anhaltendes Sustain für ein reichhaltiges und befriedigendes Spielerlebnis.
Preis: Fr. 43.-
‼️Available in our store‼️
The Pivot Capo provides even tension and precise intonation up and down the neck, offering bright clarity and beautiful, long-lasting sustain for a rich and satisfying playing experience.
Price: Fr. 43.-
#jimdunlop #jimdunlopusa #pivotcapo #dunlopcapo #dunlopcapos #performanceiseverywhere #performanceiseverything #available #availablenow #availableinstore #availableinourstore #guitarrepairsgams #guitarrepairsch #guitargams #capo #guitarcapo #guitarcapos #tuesdaymotivation #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #dienstag #happytuesdayeveryone #happytuesday
In recognition of World Kindness Day, I thought I'd be helpful by sharing my handy tip for guitarists.
When playing live, always have a spare capo attached to your guitar as per photo. If one falls off, your second one will still be there to rely on and you can continue playing without missing a beat. Your audience won't notice a thing!
You're welcome.
(Feel free to tag in any guitarist friends as a random act of kindness.)
Only 2 Dunlop capos left in stock. Get them before they are gone! #hightidesgoodvibes #dunlopcapos #ststephen #middleofeverywhere #hightidesmusic #happylistening
#baikamarajr #singersongwriter #blues #producer #blacklivesmatter #acousticguitar #fashion #simonandpatrickguitars #gent #hat #belgium #sierraleone #covid19 #wall #dunlopcapo #lifestyle
Lots of gift ideas including Snark tuners, Dunlop capos and loads of guitar straps in all styles prints. Stop by The Music Room today #snarktuners #dunlopcapos #snark #dunlop #perrisleathers #music #guitar #dunnville
Some home recording today #fendertelecaster #fendersuperchampxd #palmerpdi03 #dunlopcapo #slide#bosscs1
No shortage of Dunlop capos at The Music Room, these make great stocking stuffers! #capo #dunnville #dunlop #dunlopcapos #music #guitar
#DUNLOP Trigger Acoustic Guitar Curved Capo Black 83CB...
Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi:
0816 760 017 (call + WA)
The Dunlop Trigger Capo allows you to quickly and easily change key with a squeeze of the hand. This capo’s strong spring-action clamp keeps it firmly in place, while its slim profile ensures that can play up and down the fingerboard unhindered. Special padding protects your instrument's neck from scratches. Made from lightweight aircraft-grade aluminum, the Trigger Capo is a must on the road when you need to change key on the fly.
#DUNLOP Trigger Acoustic Guitar Capo Flat Nickel 84FN...
Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi:
0816 760 017 (call + WA)
The Dunlop Trigger Capo allows you to quickly and easily change key with a squeeze of the hand. This capo’s strong spring-action clamp keeps it firmly in place, while its slim profile ensures that can play up and down the fingerboard unhindered. Special padding protects your instrument's neck from scratches. Made from lightweight aircraft-grade aluminum, the Trigger Capo is a must on the road when you need to change key on the fly.
Custom Tortex and Trigger Capo for Ed Sheeran.
@teddysphotos #EdSheeran #Tortex #DunlopPicks #TriggerCapo #DunlopCapos #JimDunlop #PerformanceIsEverything
"I've been using the same Jim Dunlop Trigger Capo since I first started playing guitar! I've played hundreds of shows and took this capo with me across the country. This is the true definition of durability! Cheers to many more years of shows!" -Sydney Ellen
@sydneyellenmusic #DunlopCapos #TriggerCapo #SheRocksWithDunlop #SydneyEllen #JimDunlop #PerformanceIsEverything
#gregxvolz #bobhartman #thecoloringsong #martinguitar #martinguitars #dunlopcapo #fingerstyle #neversaydie #jesusmusic #jesus #jesuspeople #christianmusic #ccm
Thumbs up WHHHEEEY pic 🙌🕺 Another tune roughly recorded, but one that I have carried and played in many different ways over the years...I feel that it’s more important to practice the recording process (shots/editing), and get into the routine of releasing videos regularly atm.
Keep posted for some clear sounding, multi-shot acoustic covers that I will either stream live or keep up the YouTube vids 👍
Cheers and thanks for listening, I hope everyone is ok. Always xxx
PS Yes I know the thumbnail makes me look like a human possessed by Satan, but it won’t let me change it on the phone so....yea, enjoy my inner “wtf” before I change it 😂😂😂 #fatfreddysdrop #hope #showboy #showboyblake #acoustic #acousticmusic #kneeshot #chinshot #cornershot #dunloppick #dunlopcapo #fenderacoustic #learningtoflow #arrangement #improv #isolation #keeponkeepingon #mouthtrumpet #randommutterings #callitweasinus #fatfreddysdropnz
How good is a delivery of supplies! 🙌🏻
Thank you @jimdunlopusa .
#jimdunlop #guitarstrings #cleaningthings #windingthings #keychangingthings #goodthings #goodmailday #dunlopstrings #dunlopcapo
Just dropped my acoustic but the capo on the headstock saved it from any serious damage. Unfortunately the capo did not survive. R.I.P. to my first capo. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. #dunlop #dunlopcapo #guitar #guitarfail #guitarfails #shithappens
The latest post is live, reviewing Dunlop's 83CB/CS capo - link in bio! 😊🎸🤘🎶
I've been taking it easy so far this week whilst my car is in the garage but I'm looking forward to getting back out on the road again soon. I want to get back to Cambridge and play in Milton Keynes as well 🙂🚀✨ .
#busker #busking #fingerstyleguitar #martinguitar #streetmusic #streetperformer #streetmusician #percussiveguitar #acoustic #guitarist #acousticguitar #acousticmusic #livemusic #music #gig #newmusic #ukmusic #musiclife #martinguitarist #capo #dunlopcapo #triggercapo #handpainted
☕️ 📝🎸 “The bitch is back”
. .
#singer #songwriter #singersongwriter #writer #epiphoneguitar #dunlopcapo #music #country #countrymusic #folk #folkmusic #indie #indiemusic
‘One take or no take’ als het over de opnames van gisteren gaat, maar voor de sfeer vind ik echt geen woorden ❤️
Dankjewel,! Enkel liefde voor iedereen die er was. Verlies zeker ellismanemusic en King Nothing niet uit het oog!
Ondertussen blijf ik reizen: vanavond ben ik te vinden in the.blackflamingo in Nijlen met freddiewebber. Ook altijd een genoegen!
Deuren om 20u. Wees welkom, kom op tijd! 🌻
P.S: Er volgt snel nieuws over die EP.
#diy #2800mechelen #liverecord #liverecording #recordingstudio #indie #indiefolk #americana #altcountry #debutalbum #yamahaguitars_official #acoustic #dunloppicks #dunlopcapos #tcelectronic
From last saturday’s duo performance with samirasblues at amsterdamblendmarket 🙏🏻
📸 collins_t_photography_
#samirasblues #saharamusic #desertblues
Vorbereitung ist alles 😁
#taylorguitars #dunlopcapos #lovemyjob #übungmachtdenmeister #menschenglücklichmachen #freiettauung #guitarist #weddingulm #acousticmusic
Perusahaan aksesoris terkenal #DUNLOP memproduksi beberapa #capo yang secara special dinamakan Dunlop Trigger Capo...
Bentuknya yang sangat ergonomis dan disesuaikan dengan anatomi jari manusia membuat capo ini sangat mudah untuk dipasang / dilepas tanpa harus mengkhawatirkan posisi tangan yang salah atau bahkan merusak neck gitar, dibuat secara khusus menggunakan aircraft-grade-alumunium yang sangat ringan, dilengkapi padding special untuk melindungi instrument neck supaya tidak lecet & juga per spring - action yang sangat kuat menjamin kestabilan capo ini.
Untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi:
0816 760 016 (call + WA)
‼️Bei uns im Geschäft erhältlich ‼️
Der Pivot Capo sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Spannung und eine präzise Intonation auf und entlang des Halses und bietet helle Klarheit und ein schönes, lang anhaltendes Sustain für ein reichhaltiges und befriedigendes Spielerlebnis.
Preis: Fr. 43.-
‼️Available in our store‼️
The Pivot Capo provides even tension and precise intonation up and down the neck, offering bright clarity and beautiful, long-lasting sustain for a rich and satisfying playing experience.
Price: Fr. 43.-
#jimdunlop #jimdunlopusa #pivotcapo #dunlopcapo #dunlopcapos #performanceiseverywhere #performanceiseverything #available #availablenow #availableinstore #availableinourstore #guitarrepairsgams #guitarrepairsch #guitargams #capo #guitarcapo #guitarcapos #tuesdaymotivation #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #dienstag #happytuesdayeveryone #happytuesday