Get the durability and bright, snappy tone of Tortex with a wider gripping surface for greater control.
Warranty Information
Get the durability and bright, snappy tone of Tortex with a wider gripping surface for greater control.
Warranty Information
First released in 1981, Tortex® Picks were originally intended to be a high quality replacement for tortoiseshell. Jim Dunlop's trail-blazing creation became so much more than that, however, establishing its own identity and becoming the new standard by which all other picks are judged.
Building on the precision, consistency, and color-coded gauge system he introduced with Nylon Picks, Jim resolved to create a pick with a bright and snappy attack, superior memory and durability, and an improved grip. He chose Delrin as his base material and then spent more than a year developing a special treatment process to draw out its full potential. This treatment process is what sets Tortex Picks apart from all others, providing their unique grip-enhancing matte surface and aggressive attack. Finally, Jim expanded on his previous picks' color-coded gauge system to create the bright and timeless palette that has become an industry standard. Because we stick to Jim's original formula, Tortex Picks remain our bestselling pick line. And we still make them at the Dunlop HQ in Benicia, California.
With Tortex, Jim Dunlop launched a revolution, and the world of picks has never been the same. The turtle logo is instantly recognizable, and the vibrant Tortex palette has become a gauging shorthand for guitar players. Go into any music store and ask for Green or Yellow Picks—chances are, you'll be shown a pack of Tortex .88mm or .73mm Picks. Countless musicians across the world, representing every genre and playing style, have chosen Tortex Picks to help them do what they love.
Made in the USA.Variedad de plumillas 🤭✨🎸🎸🎸🎶🎼🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶
#dunlop #tortex #OfertasMusicales #plumillas #accesoriosmusicales
#ピック #ギター #ウクレレ #ベース #tortex #jimdunlop #でわひろき #でわひろき音楽教室
Sometimes ya gotta pick hunting lol. #guitar #guitarpicks #jimdunlop #tortex #tortexpicks #tortexdunlop
Eluveitie tour
#eluveitie #eluveitie_official #eluveitiefan #picktortex #tortexpicks #tortex #folkmetal #folkmetalhead #lascargaeldiablo ##rafaelsalzmann
最高の音で とても気に入っています.
¿Quien no ha ocupado una tortex standard? 🐢
Probablemente la mayoría ustedes ya la conozcan, ¿pero que es lo que hace a esta uñeta tan popular? 👇
Ni muy redonda ni muy puntiaguda, esto la hace muy versátil, rindiendo muy bien en distintos tipos de ejecuciones🎸
A demás, su característico material antideslizante proporciona un tacto muy confortable, junto con la flexibilidad para un ataque rápido y fluido que es brillante y nítido🎶
Precio 💰7.900
Encuentra estas uñetas y más en nuestra página web📱
También puedes solicitar tus productos por interno o a nuestro whatsApp +56936527312 📞
Contamos con envío a todo Chile 🚚
También puedes venir a nuestro punto de retiro🏠
🗓Envíos y retiros de lunes a viernes🗓
🔊Vibramos con las cuerdas
#uñeta #tortex #dunlop
Raul Bianchi theexpendables
#theexpendables #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollection
Tortex III .73mm are my current favorite picks. And now I know it’s “stego” not “stega.” jimdunlopusa #tortex #stegosaurus
3d printed guitar pick holder 🍓 #guitar #guitarpickholder #strawberry #strawberryfieldsforever #rocknroll #music #electricguitar #tortex #tortexdunlop #3dprinting #3dprint
Jimmy Radar stage mgr descendents circlejerksband
13/12/24 Tork n roll l Curitiba/PR
#circlejerksband #circlejerks #descendents #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollection
I love these picks! Thank you to my dear friend blink_ava_bcr_plus for this gift!
#tothestars #tomdelonge #blink182 #angelsandairwaves #boxcarracer #tom #tts #pick #sticker #mystery #ufo #alienexist #nasa #starcaster #fender #tortex #pickcollector #pickcollection #guitar #guitarpick
Yvelines, France.
#lost #abandoned #rubbish #streetphotography #lostobject #streetfind #urbanart #foundobject #objettrouvé #thrownaway #foundinthestreet #streettreasure #trouvaille #dailywalk #lostandfound #mediator #dunlop #tortex #tortexdunlop
On this day, 19 years ago, markhoppus and travisbarker released the first single for the band +44.
‘No, It Isn’t’ is a song that I love and feel very attached to. I’ve always loved the logo that Mark used on his picks during that era.
Tortex 0.6mm - Mark’s pick (Bass/Live)
Tortex 0.5mm - Mark’s pick (Guitar/Studio)
#markhoppus #travisbarker #44 #plus44 #plusfourtyfour #bass #pick #tortex #drum #hmnim #pixel #famous #noitisnt #whenyourheartstopsbeating #pickguitar #collection #pickcollector #memorabilia #blink182 #blink #tomdelonge #blink182forlife
Nico Mirasson vientosbanda
24/11/24 MEA l Curitiba/PR
Obrigado felipeandradedemelo
#vientos #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollection
#dunloppicks #dunlopplectrums #dunlopplectrum #tortex #tortexpicks #tortexdunlop #guitartattoo
Get Some Limited Edition Dobbs SNOT Picks! jimdunlopusa I will be throwing these out in 2025 #getsome #snot #snotband #dobbs #basspick #picks #pick #custompicks #tortex #guitarpick #bassplayer #jfahnestock313 #johnfahnestock
Chase Knobbe joycemanorofficial
16/11/24 Basement Cultural l Curitiba/PR
#joycemanor #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollections
Just got these for a new commission!! Stay tuned…
jimdunlopusa #guitarpicks #guitar #pick #picks #art #guitarpick #artist #guitarpickartist #guitarpickart #tortex #jimdunlop #dunlop #fun #love #commission
Matt Ebert joycemanorofficial
16/11/24 Basement Cultural l Curitiba/PR
#joycemanor #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollections
Megadeth - David Ellefson
#Megadeth #DavidEllefson #Dystopia #DystopiaWorldTour #Tortex #GuitarPick #Plectrum #Palheta #Plumilla #PickOfTheDay
Scott Shiflett facetofacemusic
01/11/24 We Are One Tour l Curitiba/PR
#facetoface #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollection
Ready to roll! Less than a week to go until we hit the road with sebastianbach for the Child Within The Man 2024 North American tour!
Thanks to the awesome folks over at jimdunlopusa for getting these out to me and my friend and badass artist from Uruguay marcos_manzi_art for the shark design!
#sebastianbach #tour2024 #jimdunlop #marcosmanziart #tortex #rocknroll
Variedad de plumillas 🤭✨🎸🎸🎸🎶🎼🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶
#dunlop #tortex #OfertasMusicales #plumillas #accesoriosmusicales
#ピック #ギター #ウクレレ #ベース #tortex #jimdunlop #でわひろき #でわひろき音楽教室
Sometimes ya gotta pick hunting lol. #guitar #guitarpicks #jimdunlop #tortex #tortexpicks #tortexdunlop
Eluveitie tour
#eluveitie #eluveitie_official #eluveitiefan #picktortex #tortexpicks #tortex #folkmetal #folkmetalhead #lascargaeldiablo ##rafaelsalzmann
最高の音で とても気に入っています.
¿Quien no ha ocupado una tortex standard? 🐢
Probablemente la mayoría ustedes ya la conozcan, ¿pero que es lo que hace a esta uñeta tan popular? 👇
Ni muy redonda ni muy puntiaguda, esto la hace muy versátil, rindiendo muy bien en distintos tipos de ejecuciones🎸
A demás, su característico material antideslizante proporciona un tacto muy confortable, junto con la flexibilidad para un ataque rápido y fluido que es brillante y nítido🎶
Precio 💰7.900
Encuentra estas uñetas y más en nuestra página web📱
También puedes solicitar tus productos por interno o a nuestro whatsApp +56936527312 📞
Contamos con envío a todo Chile 🚚
También puedes venir a nuestro punto de retiro🏠
🗓Envíos y retiros de lunes a viernes🗓
🔊Vibramos con las cuerdas
#uñeta #tortex #dunlop
Raul Bianchi theexpendables
#theexpendables #punkrock #hardcore #ska #skapunk #tortex #guitarpick #picks #pickscollector #palhetas #intunegp #pickscollection
Tortex III .73mm are my current favorite picks. And now I know it’s “stego” not “stega.” jimdunlopusa #tortex #stegosaurus