MXR Ribbon Patch Cables are ultra thin and super quiet, featuring low-profile metal ends for hardy durability and oxygen-free copper wire for a clean, pure signal.
Warranty Information
MXR Ribbon Patch Cables are ultra thin and super quiet, featuring low-profile metal ends for hardy durability and oxygen-free copper wire for a clean, pure signal.
Warranty Information
Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. warrants MXR-branded cables to the original owner for the life of the product. This limited warranty covers only defects in material or workmanship and does not cover injury to the user or incidental or consequential damages or costs. Dunlop's warranty liability is limited to product replacement. In the unlikely event that there is a problem, please return the cable and the dated sales receipt to us and we will repair or replace it.
Get the most from your tone in the least amount of space with MXR Ribbon Patch Cables. They're ultra thin and super quiet, featuring low-profile metal ends for hardy durability and oxygen-free copper wire for a clean, pure signal. Trust MXR to patch you through.
I have to say I’m very grateful for these little mxr patch cables. I know it’s a small detail, but it’s a very important detail. They’re durable, they sound super-clean, and they take up very little space in the chain. This board is like a new instrument to me. It’s filled with wondrous sounds and evocative tales to be narrated by my voice. I feel honoured to be that voice (cheesy as all that may sound), and the idea of recording these stories for another solo album becomes more appealing with each passing day. To that end, I just wanted to show my gratitude to the fine folks at @jimdunlopusa for providing some of the tools to help me on my journey. Stay tuned, my friends. 🙏🏾❤️
#jimdunlop #mxr #mxrcables #mxrpedals #whyiplaya6 #pedalboard #pedalboards #pedalboardoftheday
Hello my sweet baby girls 😍 Here's to another day of intimate, quality time together 👏🏻 Can't wait to get the last few pieces and my incoming pedalboard from @templeboards 🌹
National Shred Day, commencing 🔥••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• @jimdunlopusa #mxrpedals #mxrreverb #mxrechoplex #mxrtaptempo #mxranalogchorus #dunlopcrybaby #johnpetrucci #dimebagdarrel #dimebag #JPwah @protonepedals #analogdelay #attackoverdrive @airis_effects #custompedals #mxrcables #mxrisobrick @engl_amps #powerball @mesaengineering #mesaboogie @kieselcarvinguitars #dcbevelprototype #dunlopsuperbrights #templeaudio #guitar #guitars #guitarist #pedals #pedalporn #sugartonestudios #music #instudio
Look who's in the patch cable/cord biz now. Thanks to @bryankehoe at MXR/Dunlop products! #mxr #mxrcables #dunlop #jimmydunlop #bryankehoe #rockthefuckout
Essential tools of a modern bass slinger. @jimdunlopusa #mxrbassinnovations #mxrcables #dvp4 #m282 #m280 cbm105q #AgapeSoulLive
This @jimdunlopusa #echoplex is straight up voodoo magic ✨ The convenience and effectiveness that comes with the tap tempo feature is something I've been waiting for my whole life 👴🏼 It also has 3 different echo settings that reference a specific era of music to my knowledge 👌🏼 You'll for sure be hearing me play this live for my two performances on Jan 21st at #ChainReaction in Anaheim, CA - yes, 2 shows on one day 👊🏼 If you can't make it, don't worry, I'll be streaming the full Chain Reaction performance live through Facebook 🙌🏼 But, if you wanna catch my performance at the Dunlop Booth at NAMM as well as walk around with me as I stream from inside the industry belly of the beast, AND catch streams of me practicing my songs and set and helping me choose song order and all of that awesome shit, head to and sign up to get an exclusively inclusive look at what goes on behind the scenes 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁 @thenammshow @chainreactionca #dunlopsuperbrights #mxrisobrick #mxrcables #pedalporn #pedal #dunloppedals #sugartonestudios #patreon #exclusive #guitar #guitars #guitarist #kieselguitars
Новинка в #роялсервис - инструментальные кабели #Dunlop
Доступны как с прямыми, так и с угловыми джеками по 3 и 6 метров, а так же патчи.
#гитарныйкабель #кабельдлягитары #MXR #3PDCP06 #DCIS10 #DCIS10R #DCIS20 #КабельИнструментальный #DCIS20R #гитаристу #гитарист #MXRcable #cables #GuitarCable #DunlopCable #MXRcables #GuitarCables #DunlopCables #звуккрым #звук #гитарныйзвук #музыкальныймагазинвкрыму #музыкальныймагазинсевастополь #музыкантыкрыма #музыкакрыма #музыкакрыма #барабанщиксевастополя #crimaemusic #sevastopolmusicians
Last night’s set up!
#devonworleyband #ampegamps #ampegsvt #fender #fenderbass #fenderjazzbassfanpage #getbackbeat #feelthebass #gruvgearfretwraps #monocase #drstrings #line6hxstomp #sansamp #mxrcables
Words can't describe the gratitude and honor to work with the best ones! So happy with my Super Bright flatwounds and MXR Pro Cables. #bassplayer #bassplayersunited #baixo #bassplayerbrasil #bassist #bassguitar #basshead #dunlop #jimdunlop #mxr #superbright #turnonyourbrights #flatwounds #cables #mxrcables #mxrprocables #music #passion #life #dowhatyoulove #brotherhood #fretless
یکی از اشتباهات رایج بین گیتاریست ها استفاده از کابل گیتار برای اتصال هد به کب است. با اینکه کابل معمولی گیتار هم کار کابل اسپیکر را انجام می دهد اما ممکن است خسارت های سنگینی به امپ شما وارد کند چون ساختار این دو کابل کاملا متفاوت است.
کابل گیتار یه رشته مرکزی و یک رشته دور آن ساخته شده اما کابل اسپیکر از دو رشته ی قطور و موازی با هم تشکیل شده است.
یک نمونه عالی از این کابل ها در وبسایت گیتارایران موجود است
MXR HD TS Speaker Cable
برای مشاهده قیمت و مشخصات تکمیلی به لینک در استوری مراجعه کنید
#guitariran #mxr #mxrcables #mxrguitarcables #cable #speakercable #persianfender #گيتارايران #فندر #گیتار #گیتارالکتریک #نمايندگي_فندر #خرید_پدال #خرید_ساز #خرید_گیتار_الکتریک #خرید_گیتار
Performance is Everything. @jimdunlopusa
#rihardos #rihardosmusicstores #jimdunlopusa #jimdunlop #mxr #mxrcables #music #guitaristsofinstagram #guitarists
Plug Conection....#cables #kirlincable #kwcables #dimarziocables #mxrcables #guitarcable #musician #guitarrist #buenosaires
24/01/2020. Sold: #MXRcables #MXRInstrumentCable 6m to @eddiebiker61 in Jakarta . 2 pc #FENDERPatchCable #CaliforniaSeries , 1 pack #DUNLOPpicks #TortexStandardPick 1.00 to Felix in Samarinda. #TortexStandardPick 1.00 to Sandy in Malang. #BOXXCaseHandleCover #BOXXHandleCover to Michael in Jakarta. Thanks for order
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Just wanted to take a moment to give a HUGE thanks to my man @timothious at @jimdunlopusa for this amazing package! Like lot of professions, being a musician requires a variety of tools used to make life on the job easier! These pedals are going straight onto my main @pedaltrain board & will be put to use immediately! Having support from companies like this means the world to guys like me! #Fuzz #Phaser #VolumePedal #Picks #Cables #AndEvenAShirt #Grateful #MXR #JimDunlop #DunlopEffects #MXRPedals #MXRCables #Gear #CarePackage #ThanksTim
Huge shout out and thank you to @jimdunlopusa and my soul brother @chrys333 for the amazing care package to help set me up for my show on January 21st at Chain Reaction ✊🏼 Still got some strings and the JP wah on its way - can't wait to get this all set up 😭 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #Dunlop #DunlopSuperBrights #DunlopPrimetone #DunlopMaxGrip #DunlopShySlide #DunlopEchoplex #MXRReverb #mxranalogchorus #MXRcables #JPCrybaby #wah #pedalporn #NGD #SugartoneStudios #guitar #guitarist
The Juice! This photo is a partial visual representation of my current live tone 🤔🤘🏻what? So much juicy goodness comes out of my amp these days thanks to the amazing pedals and products made by @jimdunlopusa @protonepedals and @templeboards ...So much juice👌🏼 Definitely check out my boy @jakealbrechtphotography who took this photo, and tons of other amazing work 🏆•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #dunlop #mxr #johnpetrucci #wahpedal #crybaby #volumepedal #mxrsmartgate #protonepedals #attackOD #mxrchorus #dunlopechoplex #taptempo #customchorus #mxrreverb #templeboards #pedals #pedalboard #pedalporn #fuhrmann #mxrcables #korg
Slowly but surely 🙌🏼 After literally 10 years of avoiding pedals - I'm all in! 👊🏼😬 Time to learn how to tap dance 💃🏽 From left to right: ENGL Powerball/Mesa Boogie Cab - MXR reverb - MXR echoplex delay with a tap tempo - Protone Pedals Analog Delay - MXR Analog Chorus - Custom Built Airis Effects Chorus/Verb - Protone Attack Overdrive - Dunlop Crybaby Dimebag wah - Dunlop Crybaby John Petrucci Wah - Kiesel DC Bevel prototype with a wenge top - Dunlop Super Bright Strings, all cabled together with MXR cables and powered by the MXR iso brick... Fuck, that was a mouthful hahaha time to make this go from a nerd fap fest to a usable color palette for my music 🖖🏻👽 Lets do dis! I literally cannot waaaait for my new temple audio duo 24 pedalboard to arrive 🌹❤️🤗 Mind you, this signal chain and layout is completely temporary and I'm still trying to see where I can add a few more pedals👊🏼
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• @jimdunlopusa #mxrpedals #mxrreverb #mxrechoplex #mxrtaptempo #mxranalogchorus #dunlopcrybaby #johnpetrucci #dimebagdarrel #dimebag #JPwah @protonepedals #analogdelay #attackoverdrive @airis_effects #custompedals #mxrcables #mxrisobrick @engl_amps #powerball @mesaengineering #mesaboogie @kieselcarvinguitars #dcbevelprototype #dunlopsuperbrights #templeaudio
Balik kabel maning,
Kali ini ada MXR Instrument Cable dengan panjang 6m, makin banyak pilihan kan utk instrument cable yg dicari?? Soal kualitas jangan kuatir karena barang² yg ada ini adalah barang² original dengan nama besar yg kualitasnya tidak perlu lagi dikuatirkan dalam dunia instrumen.
Tertarik?? Langsung aja ke cp, masgan mbaksist, om, tante, opa, oma, dll 😅
Wa/ Line: 08563045484
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My last purchase from Guitars Boutique in a while because i'm not sure when we'll be back: i got some @daddarioandco XL Chromes i look forward to using because i like darkness. XD For my Jackson guitar, on the employee's recommendation, i got some @elixir_strings Nanoweb strings because the coating dampens the brightness(i don't like brightness, please stop). I got some patch cables for my pedals. Also, an @evansdrumheads RealFeel mountable speed pad so i can practice because i didn't like the practice pads i had many years ago so i gave them away. It feels and smells interesting. XD #musician #guitar #drums #practice #practicepad #evans #evansdrumheads #evansrealfeel #guitarsboutique #guitarsboutiquepr #puertorico #daddario #daddariostrings #elixir #elixirstrings #mxr #mxrcables #patchcables #pedals
Really excited to try some new @jimdunlopusa gear!!! Thank you @agapesoulmusic and @bassgojira. #vintagebassoctave #miniisobrick #dunlopstrings #mxr #mxrcables #dunlopbmf
Good stuff arrived this morning from the US.
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Available now Jimidunlop in our store .
هم اکنون آماده تحویل در بازرگاني_قادري با بيست سال تجربه نمايندگي رسمي ، پخش کننده اصلی دنلوپ امريكا با ما رویاهایتان را بنوازید كلي محصولات اورجينال دنلوپ(( ام ايكس ار )) را با بهترين كيفيت و قيمت از مابخواهيد و تفاوت هم از لحاظ كيفيت و هم از لحاظ قيمت را با ما احساس كنيد موجود در دفتر مركزي. #jimidunlop #mxrpedals #mxr #dunloppicks #dunloppedal#. #mxrbassinnovations
بازرگاني_قادري#گيتار #موسيقي#ساز
I have to say I’m very grateful for these little mxr patch cables. I know it’s a small detail, but it’s a very important detail. They’re durable, they sound super-clean, and they take up very little space in the chain. This board is like a new instrument to me. It’s filled with wondrous sounds and evocative tales to be narrated by my voice. I feel honoured to be that voice (cheesy as all that may sound), and the idea of recording these stories for another solo album becomes more appealing with each passing day. To that end, I just wanted to show my gratitude to the fine folks at @jimdunlopusa for providing some of the tools to help me on my journey. Stay tuned, my friends. 🙏🏾❤️
#jimdunlop #mxr #mxrcables #mxrpedals #whyiplaya6 #pedalboard #pedalboards #pedalboardoftheday
Hello my sweet baby girls 😍 Here's to another day of intimate, quality time together 👏🏻 Can't wait to get the last few pieces and my incoming pedalboard from @templeboards 🌹
National Shred Day, commencing 🔥••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• @jimdunlopusa #mxrpedals #mxrreverb #mxrechoplex #mxrtaptempo #mxranalogchorus #dunlopcrybaby #johnpetrucci #dimebagdarrel #dimebag #JPwah @protonepedals #analogdelay #attackoverdrive @airis_effects #custompedals #mxrcables #mxrisobrick @engl_amps #powerball @mesaengineering #mesaboogie @kieselcarvinguitars #dcbevelprototype #dunlopsuperbrights #templeaudio #guitar #guitars #guitarist #pedals #pedalporn #sugartonestudios #music #instudio
Look who's in the patch cable/cord biz now. Thanks to @bryankehoe at MXR/Dunlop products! #mxr #mxrcables #dunlop #jimmydunlop #bryankehoe #rockthefuckout
Essential tools of a modern bass slinger. @jimdunlopusa #mxrbassinnovations #mxrcables #dvp4 #m282 #m280 cbm105q #AgapeSoulLive
This @jimdunlopusa #echoplex is straight up voodoo magic ✨ The convenience and effectiveness that comes with the tap tempo feature is something I've been waiting for my whole life 👴🏼 It also has 3 different echo settings that reference a specific era of music to my knowledge 👌🏼 You'll for sure be hearing me play this live for my two performances on Jan 21st at #ChainReaction in Anaheim, CA - yes, 2 shows on one day 👊🏼 If you can't make it, don't worry, I'll be streaming the full Chain Reaction performance live through Facebook 🙌🏼 But, if you wanna catch my performance at the Dunlop Booth at NAMM as well as walk around with me as I stream from inside the industry belly of the beast, AND catch streams of me practicing my songs and set and helping me choose song order and all of that awesome shit, head to and sign up to get an exclusively inclusive look at what goes on behind the scenes 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁 @thenammshow @chainreactionca #dunlopsuperbrights #mxrisobrick #mxrcables #pedalporn #pedal #dunloppedals #sugartonestudios #patreon #exclusive #guitar #guitars #guitarist #kieselguitars
Новинка в #роялсервис - инструментальные кабели #Dunlop
Доступны как с прямыми, так и с угловыми джеками по 3 и 6 метров, а так же патчи.
#гитарныйкабель #кабельдлягитары #MXR #3PDCP06 #DCIS10 #DCIS10R #DCIS20 #КабельИнструментальный #DCIS20R #гитаристу #гитарист #MXRcable #cables #GuitarCable #DunlopCable #MXRcables #GuitarCables #DunlopCables #звуккрым #звук #гитарныйзвук #музыкальныймагазинвкрыму #музыкальныймагазинсевастополь #музыкантыкрыма #музыкакрыма #музыкакрыма #барабанщиксевастополя #crimaemusic #sevastopolmusicians
Last night’s set up!
#devonworleyband #ampegamps #ampegsvt #fender #fenderbass #fenderjazzbassfanpage #getbackbeat #feelthebass #gruvgearfretwraps #monocase #drstrings #line6hxstomp #sansamp #mxrcables
Words can't describe the gratitude and honor to work with the best ones! So happy with my Super Bright flatwounds and MXR Pro Cables. #bassplayer #bassplayersunited #baixo #bassplayerbrasil #bassist #bassguitar #basshead #dunlop #jimdunlop #mxr #superbright #turnonyourbrights #flatwounds #cables #mxrcables #mxrprocables #music #passion #life #dowhatyoulove #brotherhood #fretless
یکی از اشتباهات رایج بین گیتاریست ها استفاده از کابل گیتار برای اتصال هد به کب است. با اینکه کابل معمولی گیتار هم کار کابل اسپیکر را انجام می دهد اما ممکن است خسارت های سنگینی به امپ شما وارد کند چون ساختار این دو کابل کاملا متفاوت است.
کابل گیتار یه رشته مرکزی و یک رشته دور آن ساخته شده اما کابل اسپیکر از دو رشته ی قطور و موازی با هم تشکیل شده است.
یک نمونه عالی از این کابل ها در وبسایت گیتارایران موجود است
MXR HD TS Speaker Cable
برای مشاهده قیمت و مشخصات تکمیلی به لینک در استوری مراجعه کنید
#guitariran #mxr #mxrcables #mxrguitarcables #cable #speakercable #persianfender #گيتارايران #فندر #گیتار #گیتارالکتریک #نمايندگي_فندر #خرید_پدال #خرید_ساز #خرید_گیتار_الکتریک #خرید_گیتار