This high quality Jacquard-woven strap features the bold, brazen art of award-winning UK-design crüe ILOVEDUST.
Length: Min 37” / Max 65"
Warranty Information
This high quality Jacquard-woven strap features the bold, brazen art of award-winning UK-design crüe ILOVEDUST.
Length: Min 37” / Max 65"
Warranty Information
Designed in collaboration with cutting-edge, award-winning UK-based design firm ILOVEDUST, this jacquard-woven strap features the kind of design that will have all eyes on you while you play. Further, it has been pull-tested to 200 pounds, so you know this strap will hold up for the long haul. The genuine leather ends also ensure sturdy, reliable contact with the strap retainer on your guitar, giving you the peace of mind you need while performing.
Des sangles de guitares il y en aura ! Des dunlop et des Ernie ball, des unies, des colorées et pour ceux qui cherchent une originalité, retrouvez les collections dunlop X Jimmy Hendrix pour un esprit Woodstock ou encore leur collection créée avec l'entreprise de design britannique Ilovedust pour un côté très funky. Vous l'aurez compris, il y en aura pour tout les goûts !! 😎
Alors... J-9 les amis !!
#sanglesguitares #sanglesbasses #jimdunlop #jimmyhendrix #ilovedust #mgasindemusique #jammusicstore #chateaurouxmetropole
Another one to add to the collection #jimdunlop #ilovedust #coolart #guitarislife #guitarstrap #jimihendrix #guitarstraps #trippyart #blue #orange #lotus #collection
New Dunlop guitar strap with a sweet design by ILoveDust
#jimdunlop #ilovedust #headspace #green #guitarstrap #guitarstraps #collectables #limitededition #designerproducts #collection #guitarislife #makesomenoise #trippyart
PHASE 90はオレンジの持ってるんだけど、せっかくなのでお揃いに。
#mxr #ilovedust #mxrcarboncopy #mxrphase90 #guitarpedals #stompbox #pedalboard #mxrilovedust
#strap #dunlop #jimdunlop #ilovedust #ilovedustjacquardstrapsfangs
#ild05 #northamerica #japan #tokyo #michihisa
#ストラップ #ギターストラップ #ダンロップ #ジムダンロップ #楽器 #ギター #アメリカ #東京 #ミチヒサ
Pura arte! É muito mais do que tocar guitarra...
Correia Dunlop I Love Dust Hourglass
#dunlop #dunlopilovedust #ilovedust #dunlopstraps #dunlopstrap #guitarstrap #guitar #echoesguitars #echoesguitars
love the design on this guitar strap!
#authentichendrix #jimdunlop #jimihendrix #ilovedust
Fifty years ago, Jimi Hendrix closed out a historical festival with an epic two-hour set that included his famous psychedelic rendition of the national anthem. We commemorate that momentous event with this genuine celluloid #guitarpick (Officially Licensed by #Dunlop) emblazoned with super trippy artwork from the award-winning UK-based design crue #ILOVEDUST.
Side A: #JimiHendrix.
Side B: "Authentic Hendrix Dunlop U.S.A."
The Guitar Pick Display measures less than 2 1/4" tall & 1 3/4" wide. Collect all three!
#madeinusa #GuitarPickDisplays #guitarpickdisplay #guitarpickcollectorsworldwide #guitarpickcollectors #guitarpickcollectors #GuitarPicks
Blue or Green?
#straps #ilovedust #sire #phoenix #guitarraelectrica #workshopmusic #guimaraes
Just got in a bunch of awesome colorful #dunlop straps! Perfect for that new bass or guitar you got for Christmas. We're open til 8pm. #guitarstore #guitarstrap #guitaraccessories #ilovedust #guitar #smallbusiness #fallriver #massachusetts
A nova strap I Love Dust da jimdunlopusa numa vintageguitars_official
#vintage #strap #correia #guitarraelectrica #workshopmusic #guimaraes #ilovedust
Made from genuine #Tortex, these picks were designed in collaboration with the artists of #ILOVEDUST, an award-winning UK-based design crüe that's celebrated for its inspiring and innovative work. #TortexPicks are highly durable with great memory and just the right amount of flexibility for a snappy, fluid attack that's bright and crisp.
#jimdunlop #jimdunloppicks #jimdunlopusa #jimdunloppick
#guitarpick #guitarpicks #guitarpickscollection #pick
#guitar #guitarplayer #guitarist #pickoftheday #picks
#guitarpickoftheday #ilovedust #heavymetal #hornsup
【Jim Dunlop JHW1 Authentic Hendrix '69 Psych Series Fuzz Face Distortion】
このFUZZ FACEにはゲルマニウムとシリコンの切り替えスイッチを加え、単なるサイズダウンではなく、機能面のブラッシュアップも施されています。
English-speaking staff available. Please feel free to contact us on E-mail.
The ILOVEDUST collaboration range in conjunction with Jim Dunlop deserves some love today. I am all forthese super-bright, trippy, neon pieces of art on guitar straps and picks. ILD is a UK-based design crew that has created a range of banging designs for JD to use on their top products. The straps are made from high-quality jacquard-woven fabric which has been stress tested along with the chunky leather ends. Check out the plectrums too!
#jimdunlop #ilovedust #jimdunlopstrap #guitarstrap #electricguitar #dunlopguitar
Los #Tahalís #ILOVEDUST de Dunlop se pueden usar con y sin su sistema straplock. ¡Encuentra más en nuestro perfil!
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky.." - Jimi Hendrix
I bought this guitar pick set from Dunlop. The artwork is from ilovedust - Good work from the artist or artists, do you think it too? 🥳
#jimihendrixexperience #jimihendrixart #jimihendrix #hendrix #jimmyhendrix #dunloppicks #dunlop #guitaristsofinstagram #guitarist #fender #gibson #ibanez #prsguitars #squier #blues #vintage #vintagesound #marcshaolin #pink #ilovedust #art #metal #jeffersonairplane #beatles #thebeatles #grunge #punk #usa #uk #unitedkingdom
Phase is an all time classic effect & no matter how dark a stage you're playing on, you'll never miss the MXR ILOVEDUST Phase 90!
#guitar #electricguitar #electricguitars #guitargear #guitareffects #effectspedals #effects #MXR #eyecandy #phase90 #ilovedust #gearcandy #gearybusey #pedal #pedals #pedalporn #pedalboard
Which one would you get for Xmas?🎁
#mxrpedals #jimihendrix #guitarpedals #octavio #fuzz #greenday #dookie #jimdunlop #carboncopy #delaypedal #ilovedust #guitarfreak #guitarist #countingdown #christmasgifts #christmasshopping #creativekidsvoucher #christmasgifts #limitededition #giftideas #sutherlandshire #musicstory #cronulla #engadine #illawarra
Клевые цвета, правда?😉
Получили ремни jimdunlopusa
Ремни изготовлены из жаккардовой ткани.
Оригинальное оформление разработано командой дизайнеров ILOVEDUST, которые не однократно удостаивались наград за свою работу.
В наличии на нашем сайте 😉
#tvoyzvuk #твойзвук #твойзвукминск #dunlop #ременьгитарный #ilovedust #skull #dunlopstraps
Nowa dostawa pasków od jimdunlopusa ☯️🔯☮️💟
Aż się chce zagrać „Lucy in the Sky of Diamond” thebeatles 🔆
Paski z serii #ilovedust dla fanów psychodelicznego grania 😎
Fajne? 🤔 nam się podobają bardzo bardzo 🙌
#strap #guitarstrap #guitarstraps #dunlop #psychodelic #psychodelicart #beatles #lucyintheskywithdiamonds #dust #picasso #cubism #abstraction #abstractart #guitarart #muzycznymetro #metro #musicshop #musicstore #warsaw #center
🆕 'I Love Dust' Collection 🔥
#seicordeshop #seicorde #jimdunlop #jimdunlopstraps #straps #guitaraccessories #accessories #accessori #guitar #guitars #bassguitar #eko #ilovedust #collection #collezione #new #novità #sarezzo #brescia #cool #cooldesign #colours #design
Des sangles de guitares il y en aura ! Des dunlop et des Ernie ball, des unies, des colorées et pour ceux qui cherchent une originalité, retrouvez les collections dunlop X Jimmy Hendrix pour un esprit Woodstock ou encore leur collection créée avec l'entreprise de design britannique Ilovedust pour un côté très funky. Vous l'aurez compris, il y en aura pour tout les goûts !! 😎
Alors... J-9 les amis !!
#sanglesguitares #sanglesbasses #jimdunlop #jimmyhendrix #ilovedust #mgasindemusique #jammusicstore #chateaurouxmetropole
Another one to add to the collection #jimdunlop #ilovedust #coolart #guitarislife #guitarstrap #jimihendrix #guitarstraps #trippyart #blue #orange #lotus #collection
New Dunlop guitar strap with a sweet design by ILoveDust
#jimdunlop #ilovedust #headspace #green #guitarstrap #guitarstraps #collectables #limitededition #designerproducts #collection #guitarislife #makesomenoise #trippyart
PHASE 90はオレンジの持ってるんだけど、せっかくなのでお揃いに。
#mxr #ilovedust #mxrcarboncopy #mxrphase90 #guitarpedals #stompbox #pedalboard #mxrilovedust
#strap #dunlop #jimdunlop #ilovedust #ilovedustjacquardstrapsfangs
#ild05 #northamerica #japan #tokyo #michihisa
#ストラップ #ギターストラップ #ダンロップ #ジムダンロップ #楽器 #ギター #アメリカ #東京 #ミチヒサ
Pura arte! É muito mais do que tocar guitarra...
Correia Dunlop I Love Dust Hourglass
#dunlop #dunlopilovedust #ilovedust #dunlopstraps #dunlopstrap #guitarstrap #guitar #echoesguitars #echoesguitars
love the design on this guitar strap!
#authentichendrix #jimdunlop #jimihendrix #ilovedust
Fifty years ago, Jimi Hendrix closed out a historical festival with an epic two-hour set that included his famous psychedelic rendition of the national anthem. We commemorate that momentous event with this genuine celluloid #guitarpick (Officially Licensed by #Dunlop) emblazoned with super trippy artwork from the award-winning UK-based design crue #ILOVEDUST.
Side A: #JimiHendrix.
Side B: "Authentic Hendrix Dunlop U.S.A."
The Guitar Pick Display measures less than 2 1/4" tall & 1 3/4" wide. Collect all three!
#madeinusa #GuitarPickDisplays #guitarpickdisplay #guitarpickcollectorsworldwide #guitarpickcollectors #guitarpickcollectors #GuitarPicks